Sorghum in Swahili

Sorghum definition in English

Sorghum is a type of corn that is grown in warm countries. Its grain can be made into flour or syrup.


Sorghum in Swahili

Sorghum in Swahili is mtama.

Pronunciation: It is pronounced as m-tah-mah.


I planted sorghum in my field last week. – Nilipanda mtama katika shamba langu wiki iliyopita.

Sorghum is a very important crop in East Africa. – Mtama ni zao muhimu sana Afrika Mashariki.

Maana ya mtama katika Swahili/ The meaning of sorghum in Swahili

Mtama ni mmea wa nafaka wenye bua refu kama mhindi lenye kutoa masuke nchani ambayo yana punje ndogondogo.

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