Watermelon definition in English
Watermelon is a large fruit of a plant of the gourd family, with smooth green skin, red pulp, and watery juice.

Watermelon in Swahili
Watermelon in Swahili is called tikiti maji. This term is the most common and widely understood term. It literally translates to “water melon,” emphasizing the juicy nature of the fruit.
Tikiti maji is pronounced as: ti-KEE-ti MAH-ji
Example in a sentence
Nimekunywa glasi ya juisi ya tikiti maji. (I drank a glass of watermelon juice.)
Tutakula tikiti maji baada ya chakula cha mchana. (We will eat watermelon after lunch.)
Ninapenda sana ladha ya tikiti maji iliyoiva. (I really like the taste of ripe watermelon.)
Maana ya tikiti maji katika Kiswahili/ Tikiti maji meaning in Swahili
Tikiti maji ni tunda la mmea wa mbugo, lililo duara kama chungwa dogo, ganda nene na mbegu nyingi.