Time in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)

Time definition in English

The definition of time is:

the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.

Time in Swahili

Time in Swahili can be translated as:

1. Muda: (pronounced moo-dah). Refers to hours, days, months, years and so on. Period of time.


Baba yako amekungoja kwa muda mrefu. (Your father has been waiting for you for a long time.)

2. Wakati: (pronounced wah-KAH-tee). Refers to season/time in which something happens.


Wakati wa kula! (Time to eat!)

Wakati wa kupanda mimea. (A season to plant)

3. Wasaa: (pronounced wah-sah). Indicates time available to do something. Time to act.


Huu ndio wasaa mzuri wa kusoma. (This is the best time to study.)

4. Saa: (pronounced sah-ah). Refers to time in hours.


Ilinichukua saa moja kutoka nyumbani hadi ofisini. (It took me an hour from home to office.)

5. Dakika: (pronounced dah-KEE-kah) – This refers to time in minutes.


Nimechelewa dakika tano. (I’m five minutes late.)

6. Sekunde: (pronounced seh-KOON-deh) – This refers to time in seconds.


Dakika moja ina sekunde 60. (A minute has 60 seconds.)

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