Patience in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)

Patience in Swahili

Here are two main ways of saying patience in Swahili:

1. Subira: This is the most common translation of patience in Swahili.

Subira is pronounced as: soo-BEE-rah

2. Uvumilivu: Another translation of patience in Swahili.

Uvumilivu is pronounced as: oo-voo-mee-LEE-voo

Other words related to patience in Swahili are:

  • Saburi
  • Stahamala
  • Ustahamilivu

Patience definition in English

The ability to accept delay, suffering, or annoyance without complaining or becoming angry.

Synonyms of patience

  • forbearance
  • tolerance
  • restraint
  • self-restraint
  • resignation
  • stoicism
  • fortitude
  • sufferance
  • endurance
  • calmness
  • composure
  • even temper
  • even-temperedness
  • equanimity
  • equilibrium
  • serenity
  • tranquillity
  • imperturbability
  • unexcitability
  • understanding
  • indulgence
  • lenience
  • kindness
  • consideration
  • longanimity
  • inexcitability
  • perseverance
  • persistence
  • tenacity
  • diligence
  • assiduity
  • application
  • staying power
  • indefatigability
  • doggedness
  • determination
  • resolve
  • resolution
  • resoluteness
  • obstinacy
  • insistence
  • singleness of purpose
  • purposefulness
  • pertinacity

Examples of patience in Swahili sentences

  • (Subira/Uvumilivu ndio unahitaji.) What you need is patience.
  • (Kufundisha kunahitaji subira nyingi.) Teaching demands a lot of patience.
  • (Lazima uwe na subira nyingi ili ujifunze lugha za kigeni.) You must have a lot of patience to learn foreign languages.
  • (Kukuza lugha ya kigeni kunahitaji subira.) Mastering a foreign language calls for patience.
  • (Kujua vizuri lugha ya kigeni kunahusisha subira nyingi.) Mastering a foreign language involves a lot of patience.
  • (Kujifunza Kiswahili kunahitaji subira.) Learning Swahili requires patience.
  • (Subira yetu iko katika hali ile ile kama jana.) Our patience is in much the same condition as yesterday.
  • (Kwa uvumilivu kidogo zaidi, angeshindwa.) With a little more patience, she would have succeeded.
  • (Ungeweza kutatua fumbo hili kwa subira kidogo zaidi.) You could have solved this puzzle with a little more patience.
  • (Uwe na subira kwa siku nyingine.) Have patience for another day.
  • (Kwa subira kidogo zaidi, unaweza kufanikiwa.) With a little more patience, you could succeed.
  • (Kazi hii inahitaji subira nyingi.) This kind of work requires a lot of patience.
  • (Asante kwa uvumilivu wako.) Thank you for your patience.
  • (Unajua nini kuhusu subira?) What know you of patience?
  • (Uwe na subira kidogo na unachofanya.) Have a little patience with what you’re doing.
  • (Watoto wakati mwingine hukosa stahamala.) Children sometimes lack patience.
  • (Subira yangu ilikwisha.) My patience gave out.
  • (Ustahamilivu ndiyo muhimu.) It’s patience that counts.
  • (Subira inashinda mwishowe.) Patience wins out in the end.
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