Designation in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)

Definition of designation in English

  • The action of choosing someone to hold an office or post.
  • The action of choosing a place for a special purpose or giving it a special status.

Designation in Swahili

Designation in Swahili is translated as: uteuzi, uchaguzi, uteuaji.

Examples of designation in Swahili in sentences

  • Wilaya hiyo inazingatiwa kuteuliwa kuwa eneo lililolindwa (The district is under consideration for designation as a conservation area.)
  • Eneo hilo linastahiki kuchaguliwa kuwa eneo la maslahi maalum ya kisayansi (The area qualifies for designation as a site of special scientific interest.)
  • Uteuzi unawalazimisha mamlaka za serikali kuchukua hatua za kuhakikisha samaki hao wanaishi (The designation compels the state authorities to take measures to ensure the fish’s survival.)
  • Uteuzi huo ulimzuia kupokea ofa kutoka kwa timu zingine (The designation prevented him from receiving offers from other teams.)
  • Miezi miwili baadaye, uteuzi wa kiongozi mmoja ulikuwa njia ya kufikia mwisho huo, sio mwisho yenyewe (Two months later, the designation of a single leader was a means to that end, not an end in itself.)
  • Hapakuwa na mzozo mkubwa kuhusu uteuzi wa ardhi kwa matumizi maalum (There has been no serious conflict about the designation of land for particular uses.)
  • Uteuzi huo ulifanywa kwa sababu kwa viwango vya juu, pombe hupunguza kasi mfumo wa neva wa kati (The designation was made because at high doses, alcohol slows down the central nervous system.)
  • Uteuzi wa maeneo haya maalum ni njia muhimu sana ya kulinda uri wetu (The designation of these special areas is a vitally important way of protecting our heritage.)
  • Matumizi fulani yangetokea bila kujali uteuzi (Some expenditure would have occurred irrespective of designation.)
  • Tayari mashtaka yameanza kupinga uteuzi wa zaidi ya makaburi sita mapya ya kitaifa (Already a lawsuit has begun to challenge the designation of more than six new national monuments.)
  • Migongano inaweza kujumuishwa katika jambo lisilo na shida kama vile uteuzi wa maeneo (Contradictions can be subsumed in something so unproblematic as the designation of places.)
  • Pia iliwaongezea ili kufunika ardhi iliyoathiriwa na amri mpya za uteuzi wa miji, amri za uondolevu wa makazi duni na amri mpya za barabara (It also extended them to cover land affected by new town designation orders, slum clearance orders and new street orders.)
  • Lakini wapo wengine wanaopinga vikali kubadilisha uteuzi wa mpango mkuu katika eneo lolote (But there are others who vehemently oppose changing the general plan designation in either area.)
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