karafuu - cloves

Karafuu in English

Karafuu ni nini?

Karafuu ni zao la mkarafuu ambalo kikonyo chake hutumiwa kutengenezea mafuta yanayotumiwa kama dawa ya meno na ama hutiwa ndani ya sigara au chakula kama kiungo.

Karafuu in English

Tafsiri ya “karafuu” in English ni “cloves”. Ufafanuzi wa “cloves” in English ni:

“Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum. They are native to the Maluku Islands, or Moluccas, in Indonesia, and are commonly used as a spice, flavoring, or fragrance in consumer products, such as toothpaste, soaps, or cosmetics.”

Cloves in Kiswahili

Cloves in Kiswahili ni “karafuu”.

Virutubisho vya karafuu:

Virutubisho vyake ni kama ifuatavyo;

  – Vitamin K.               – Beta carotene

  – Potassium.             – Eugenol

  – Iron                          – Calcium

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