Kovu meaning in Swahili (Swahili to English Translation)

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Kovu meaning in Swahili

Kovu ni alama inayoachwa kwenye ngozi ya binadamu au mnyama, alama ya jeraha au kidonda kilichopona.

(A scar is a mark left on human or animal skin, a mark of a wound or a healed wound.)

Kovu is pronounced as: KOH-voo.

Kovu in English

Kovu in English is called a scar. (singular)

Makovu in English is called scars. (plural)

Scar definition in English

A mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely and fibrous connective tissue has developed.

Mifano ya sentensi zenye neno “kovu” (Examples of sentences with the word “kovu”)

Mguu wake ulikuwa na kovu kubwa.

(His leg had a big scar.)

Kulikuwa na makovu mawili madogo shingoni mwake.

(There were two small scars on his neck.)

Upande wa kushoto wa kichwa chake alikuwa na mfululizo wa makovu matatu meusi yalionekana.

(On the left side of his head he had a series of three dark scars.)

Nusu ya uso wake ulikuwa na makovu ya kutisha.

(Half of his face was scarred with horror.)

Alitetemeka, akitazama makovu madogo ya meno kwenye mkono wake.

(He shivered, looking at the small teeth scars on his arm.)

Hata kwa mbali, aliweza kuona makovu upande mmoja wa uso wake.

(Even from a distance, he could see the scars on one side of his face.)

Kifua chake kilikuwa kimefunikwa na makovu yale yale mazito yaliyotanda usoni na shingoni.

(His chest was covered with the same deep scars that covered his face and neck.)

Je, unaweza kuponya makovu?

(Can you heal scars?)

Utakuwa na makovu zaidi.

(You will have more scars.)

Alipotazama kwa kio, bado aliona makovu marefu na mazito ambayo Mganga aliyatoa.

(When he looked through the glass, he still saw the long and heavy scars that the Healer had inflicted.)

Akajipapasa usoni, huku akihisi makovu yake.

(He rubbed his face, feeling his scars.)

Hakukumbuka ni nini kilisababisha makovu hayo, wala hakutambua yalikuwa mengi.

(He did not remember what caused the scars, nor did he realize that they were many.)