Greetings in Luo with answers

About Dholuo language

The Dholuo dialect, also known as Nilotic Kavirondo, belongs to the Luo group of Nilotic languages. Spoken by over 4 million Luo people in Kenya and Tanzania, they inhabit regions along the eastern shore of Lake Victoria and to the south.

Greetings in Luo

Here are greetings in Luo with answers:

1. Good morning (Oyawre)

Reply: Good morning too (Oyawre ainya)

2. Good afternoon (Irio nade)

Reply: Good afternoon too (Ario maber)

3. Good evening (Oimore)

Reply: Good evening too (Oimore ainya)

4. Good night (Otieno maber)

Reply: Good night too (Ne in bende)

5. Hi, Hello (Nang’o)

Reply: Hi, Hello (Ber)

6. How are you doing? (Idhi nade?)

Reply: I’m doing good (Adhi maber)

7. How are you today? (In nade kawuono?)

Reply: I am good (An maber)

8. Nice to meet you (Amor kuom rado kodi)

Reply: Nice to meet you too (An be amor)

9. See you soon (Wanenre machiegni)

10. Have a good day (Bed gi odiochieng’ maber)

Reply: You too (In be)

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