How to say I miss you in Kamba language

About Kamba Language

Kamba, also known as Kikamba, is a Bantu language spoken by millions of Kamba people across Kenya, as well as by thousands in Uganda, Tanzania, and other regions. The language is predominantly spoken in four Kenyan counties: Machakos, Kitui, Makueni, and Kwale. Among the various dialects, the Machakos dialect holds the status of a standard variety and is frequently employed in translation work. Another significant dialect is Kitui.

With deep linguistic roots in the Bantu family, Kamba exhibits lexical similarities with other Bantu languages, including Kikuyu, Meru, and Embu.

I miss you in Kamba

I miss you in Kamba is nîna mea ma kûkwona.

Other words related to I miss you in Kamba are:

  • I want to see you (Nîenda ûkwona/ kûkwona)
  • I miss you so much, darling (Ngûlilikanaa/ Nîûkumbûkaa muno vyû mwendwa wakwa.)
  • I need you (Nîkûngwenda/ Nîna vata naku)
  • You will miss me (Ûkandilikanaa/ Ûkangumbûkaa)
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