Cowpeas definition in English
A cowpea is a plant of the pea family native to the Old World tropics, cultivated for its edible pods and seeds.

Cowpeas in Swahili
Cowpeas in Swahili are called kunde.
Kunde is pronounced as: koon-deh.
Examples in a sentence:
Tunapenda kula kunde na ugali. (We like to eat cowpeas with African polenta.)
Mama alipika kunde kwa chakula cha leo. (Mom cooked cowpeas for today’s meal.)
Kunde ni chanzo kizuri cha protini. (Cowpeas are a good source of protein.)
Maana ya kunde katika Kiswahili/ Kunde meaning in Swahili
Kunde ni aina ya maharagwe madogo yenye rangi ya kahawia na yaliyofanana na mbaazi.