Flirt in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)

Flirt Definition in English

Flirt is to behave as if sexually attracted to someone, although not seriously.

Flirt in Swahili

Flirt in Swahili is translated as: utani, mchezo, mzaha.

Example of flirt in Swahili in sentences

  • Usifanye utani/mchezo/mzaha na wasichana. (Don’t flirt with girls.)
  • Wasema yeye ni mtani mbovu. (They say he’s a terrible flirt.)
  • Yeye ni mtu anayependa kufanya utani/mchezo/mzaha sana. (He’s a compulsive flirt.)
  • Ulimfanyie utani mara ya mwisho lini? (When did you last flirt with him or tease him?)
  • Wanawake wanaweza kufanya utani/mchezo/mzaha, lakini wanaume huwaruka. (Women may flirt, but men pounce.)
  • Baada ya yote, ilikuwa sawa kufanya utani/mchezo/mzaha naye kwenye sherehe. (After all, she was all right to flirt with him at parties.)
  • Unajihisi sana ukifanya utani/mchezo/mzaha nami, sivyo? (It feeds your ego to flirt with me, doesn’t it?)
  • Alizoea kufanya utani/mchezo/mzaha na wasichana hao wawili, kimya kimya, wakati mke wake hakuwa anaangalia. (He used to flirt with the two girls, on the quiet, when his wife wasn’t looking.)
  • Yeye ni mtani halisi. (She’s a real flirt.)
  • Inaniniumiza unapochezea wanawake wengine mbele yangu. (It embarrasses me when you flirt with other women in front of me.)
  • Mwanamke atafanya utani/mchezo/mzaha na mtu yeyote ulimwenguni mradi watu wengine wanatazama. (A woman will flirt with anyone in the world as long as other people are looking on.)
  • Hakuna mtu aliyekuambia kufanya utani/mchezo/mzaha nami kama mtu mzima anayejitegemea na mwenye uwajibikaji. (Nobody told you to flirt with me like a grown mature responsible adult man would do.)
  • Alitaka kufanya utani/mchezo/mzaha na kucheza ili kujua ni jinsi gani alivyoonekana kuvutia kwa wanaume wengine. (She wanted to flirt and dance and find out how attractive she was to other men.)
  • Ilikuwa wazi kwamba Anna hakuwa na wasiwasi kuhusu majaribio ya mume wake ya kufanya utani/mchezo/mzaha. (It was clear that Anna had no worries about her husband’s attempts to flirt.)
  • Singeweza kusimama na kutazama, kwa hivyo ningeondoka nikipepesa macho na kufanya utani/mchezo/mzaha na vijana wapya. (I could never stand and watch so would walk away to wink and flirt with the young novices.)
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