Genuine in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)

Definition of genuine in English

Genuine means truly what something is said to be; authentic.

Genuine in Swahili

Genuine in Swahili is translated as: halisi or -kweli.

Examples of genuine in Swahili in sentences

  • Medali hii imetengenezwa kwa dhahabu halisi. (This medal is made of genuine gold.)
  • Kicheko chake kilikuwa kikubwa mno kuwa halisi. (Her laugh was far too hearty to be genuine.)
  • Je, uchoraji huo ni sanamu halisi? (Is the painting a genuine statue?)
  • Upendo wake kwake ulikuwa wa ukweli. (Her love for him was genuine.)
  • Pete hii ni dhahabu halisi. (This ring is genuine gold.)
  • Hati hiyo haizingatiwi kuwa halisi. (The document is not considered genuine.)
  • Anasema ni halisi, lakini tunafikiri vinginevyo. (He says it’s genuine, but we think otherwise.)
  • Kulikuwa na hatari ya wakimbizi halisi kurejeshwa kwenye nchi zao. (There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to their countries.)
  • Mageuzi hayo yanasababishwa na wasiwasi halisi kwa walemavu. (The reforms are motivated by a genuine concern for the disabled.)
  • Ikiwa ni mchoro halisi, itauzwa kwa mamilioni. (If it is a genuine drawing, it will sell for millions.)
  • Atakumbukwa kwa upendo wa kweli. (He’ll be remembered with genuine affection.)
  • Kulikuwa na furaha ya kweli katika chumba hiki. (There was genuine joy in this room.)
  • Alifanya jaribio la kweli kuboresha hali. (He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions.)
  • Wanaishi katika shida halisi. (They are living in genuine hardship.)
  • Hati hiyo ni halisi, naweza kukuhakikishia. (The document is genuine, I can assure you.)
  • Wamehakikishiwa kuwa picha hiyo ni halisi. (They’re convinced the picture is genuine.)
  • Ameonyesha shauku halisi katika mradi huo. (He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project.)
  • Watu wengine watalalamika hata kama hawana malalamiko halisi. (Some people will complain even if they have no genuine grievance.)
  • Baada ya uchunguzi zaidi, iligunduliwa kuwa saini hiyo haikuwa halisi. (On further examination, it was found that the signature was not genuine.)
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