Go in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)

Go in Swahili

Go in Swahili is -enda.

-enda can take these forms:

  • Enda (pronounced en-DAH.)
  • Kwenda (pronounced koo-EN-DAH.)
  • Nenda (pronounced nen-DAH.)
  • Twende (pronounced twen-DEH.) – means “let’s go”

Go definition in English

Go in English means move from one place to another.

Synonyms for go:

  • move
  • proceed
  • make one’s way
  • advance
  • progress
  • pass
  • walk
  • wend one’s way
  • travel
  • journey
  • leave
  • depart
  • take one’s leave
  • take oneself off
  • go away
  • go off
  • withdraw
  • absent oneself
  • say one’s goodbyes
  • quit
  • make an exit
  • exit
  • set off
  • set out
  • start out
  • get going
  • get under way
  • be on one’s way
  • decamp
  • retreat
  • beat a retreat
  • retire
  • make off
  • clear out
  • make oneself scarce
  • slope off
  • run off
  • run away
  • flee
  • make a move
  • make tracks
  • shove off
  • push off
  • clear off
  • beat it
  • take off
  • skedaddle
  • scram
  • split
  • scoot
  • up sticks
  • pack one’s bags
  • sling one’s hook
  • vamoose
  • hightail it
  • cut out
  • abstract oneself

Examples of go in Swahili in sentences

  • Lazima niende kulala. (I have to go to sleep.)
  • Mimi naenda. (I’m going to go.)
  • Natamani ningeenda Uganda. (I wish I could go to Uganda.)
  • Ni lazima niende Ufaransa siku moja, sijui ni lini. (It is inevitable that I go to France someday, I just don’t know when.)
  • Ni juu yako kuamua ikiwa tutaenda huko au la. (It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.)
  • Kwa nini tusiende nyumbani? (Why don’t we go home?)
  • Nadhani nitaenda kulala. (I think I’m gonna go to sleep.)
  • Acha kuniomba kinywaji! Nenda kajichukue mwenyewe. (Stop asking me for a drink! Go get it yourself.)
  • “Ikiwa umechoka, kwa nini usiende kulala?” “Kwa sababu nikienda kulala sasa nitaamka mapema sana.” (“If you’re tired, why don’t you go to sleep?” “Because if I go to sleep now I will wake up too early.”)
  • Kwa nini watu huenda kwenye sinema? (Why do people go to the movies?)
  • Sitaki kwenda shule. (I don’t want to go to school.)
  • Siwezi kusubiri kwenda likizo. (I can’t wait to go on a vacation.)
  • Umekuwa ukifikiria juu ya shida hii asubuhi nzima. Pumzika; kwenda kula chakula cha mchana. (You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch.)
  • Je, ninaweza kukaa mahali pako? Sina pa kwenda. (Can I stay at your place? I have nowhere to go.)
  • Chukua vitu vyako na uende zako. (Pick up your things and go away.)
  • Tafadhali utafunga mlango unapotoka. (Please will you close the door when you go out.)
  • Nenda ukaongee na mwenzangu. (Go and speak to my colleague.)
  • Je, mahojiano yako yaliendaje? (How did your interview go?)
  • Si lazima uende shuleni Jumapili. (You don’t have to go to school on Sunday.)
  • Huna umri wa kutosha kwenda kuogelea peke yako. (You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself.)
  • Huendi shuleni Jumapili, sivyo? (You don’t go to school on Sunday, do you?)
  • Lazima uende nyumbani mara moja. (You must go home at once.)
  • Uko huru kwenda nje. (You are free to go out.)
  • Uko huru kwenda nyumbani. (You are free to go home.)
  • Je, ulitoka jana usiku? (Did you go out last night?)
  • Afadhali usitoke nje leo. (You’d better not go out today.)
  • Haupaswi kwenda nje leo. (You must not go out today.)
  • Afadhali uende. (You had better go.)
  • Ni muhimu kwako kwenda. (It is necessary for you to go.)
  • Afadhali usiende. (You’d better not go.)
  • Lazima uende juu ya kilima. (You must go up the hill.)
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