Kamba in English

Maana ya kamba katika Kiswahili

Kamba ni uzi mnene au mzito unaosokotwa kwa majani au muwaa.

Kamba in English

Neno kamba in English linaweza kutafsiriwa kama:

1. String – material consisting of threads of cotton, hemp, or other material twisted together to form a thin length.

2. Rope – a length of thick strong cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, nylon, or similar material.

3. Cord – thin, flexible string or rope made from several twisted strands.

Majina mengine ya kutafsiri kamba in English ni:

  • twine
  • yarn
  • thread
  • strand
  • fibre
  • cable
  • line
  • wire
  • ligature
  • thong
  • hawser
  • fillis

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