Love in Swahili (Translation)

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Love definition in English

Love is an intense feeling of deep affection.

Love in Swahili

Here are words to translate love in Swahili:

1. Upendo: This is the most common word for love in Swahili. It carries a deep and enduring affection, often used in the context of romantic love, family love, or even love for God.

Upendo is pronounced as: oo-PEN-doh.


Upendo wa Mungu ni wa milele. (God’s love is eternal.)

2. Huba: This word signifies a passionate and intense love, often associated with romantic attraction or strong emotional connection.

Huba is pronounced as: HOO-bah.


Wao wana huba kubwa. (They have great love.)

3. Mapenzi: Mapenzi can be used in a broader sense than upendo or huba, encompassing romantic feelings, friendship, or simply fondness.

Mapenzi is pronounced as: mah-PEN-zee.


Mapenzi yetu ni ya dhati. (Our love is sincere.)

Maana ya upendo katika Kiswahili/ Meaning of upendo in Swahili

Upendo ni hali ya kuvutia moyoni na mtu au kitu.

Maana ya mapenzi katika Kiswahili/ Meaning of mapenzi in Swahili

Mapenzi ni hali ya mvuto na upendo alio nao mtu kwa mtu mwingine; hisia ya upendo aliyo nayo moyoni mwake kuhusu mtu mwingine.

Examples of love in Swahili sentences

Ninapenda kufikiria juu ya siku zijazo. (I love thinking about the future.)

Hebu sote tuwe familia yenye furaha na kupendana. (Let us all be a happy family and love one another.)

Watu kama hao hatimaye hufanikiwa, wakati mwingine kwa uvumilivu, lakini mara nyingi kupitia upendo usio na masharti na usaidizi wa wengine. (Such people eventually succeed, sometimes through persistence, but often through the unconditional love and support of others.)

Je! unanipenda? (You are in love with me?)

Yeyote aliye na mtoto anajua upendo na hangaiko la wazazi kwa watoto wao. (Anyone who has a child knows the love and concern parents feel for their offspring.)

Ilikuwa ni upendo mara ya kwanza? (Was it love at first sight?)