Owl definition in English
Owl is a nocturnal bird of prey with large eyes, a facial disc, a hooked beak, and typically a loud hooting call.

Owl in Swahili
There are several words for owl in Swahili, the most common word is bundi.
It is pronounced as BOON-dee.
Synonyms for Owl in Swahili/ Visawe vya bundi
Other names for saying owl in Swahili are:
Bumu: Similar to bundi, bumu (pronounced boo-MOO).
Vumatiti: It’s pronounced voo-mah-TEE-tee.
Babewana: It’s pronounced bah-beh-WAH-nah.
Maana ya bundi katika Kiswahili/ Meaning of bundi in Swahili
Bundi ni ndege mkubwa mwenye macho makubwa anayeruka usiku tun a anayedhaniwa kuleta msiba.
Example in a sentence/ Mfano katika sentensi
Macho ya bumu yanaweza kuona vizuri sana gizani. (Owls have excellent vision in the dark.)
Sauti ya bundi inanitia hofu. (The sound of an owl scares me.)