Cat definition in English
A small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws. It is widely kept as a pet or for catching mice, and many breeds have been developed.

Cat in Swahili
Here are words to describe cat in Swahili:
1. Paka: This is the most common and standard term for a cat in Swahili, particularly an adult cat. It’s pronounced as pah-kah.
Nina paka mmoja. (I have one cat.)
Paka wangu anapenda kulala. (My cat likes to sleep.)
2. Nyau: This is a synonym for “paka”. It’s pronounced as nyow.
Nyau wangu anapenda kulala kwa jua. (My cat loves to sleep in the sun).
3. Kinyaunyau: This is a Swahili word specifically for a kitten, a young cat. It’s pronounced as: kin-yaw-nyao.
Kinyaunyau kinachezea mkia wa mama yake. (The kitten is playing with its mother’s tail.)
Maana ya paka katika Kiswahili/ Paka definition in Swahili
Paka ni myama anayefungwa na anayependa kula panya. (A cat is a domesticated animal that likes to eat mice.)