Spade definition in English
Spade is a tool with a sharp-edged, typically rectangular, metal blade and a long handle, used for digging or cutting earth, sand, turf, etc.

Shovel definition in English
A shovel is a tool resembling a spade with a broad blade and typically upturned sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow, or other material.
Spade and shovel in Swahili
Here are Swahili words used for both spade and shovel:
Koleo: This is the widely understood word for shovel in Swahili.
It’s pronounced koh-LAY-oh.
Sepetu is the most common Swahili word for both shovel and spade.
It is pronounced seh-PEH-too.
Synonyms/ Visawe
Other words used for spade or shovel in Swahili are:
Beleshi (pronounced beh-LEH-shee).
Chepe (pronounced CHEH-peh)
Maana ya koleo katika Kiswahili/ Meaning of koleo in Swahili
Koleo ni kifaa kinachotumiwa kuchotea vitu ka mfano nafaka, kokoto na kadhalika.
Maana ya sepetu katika Kiswahili/ Meaning of sepetu in Swahili
Sepetu ni chombo kinachofanana na kijiko lakini kikubwa ambacho hutumiwa kuchotea mchanga.
Example in a sentence/ Mfano katika sentensi
Tunahitaji koleo kusongesha mchanga huu. (We need a shovel to move this sand.)
Alibeba jembe na sepetu. (He carried a hoe and a spade.)