Tiger definition in English
A tiger is a very large solitary cat with a yellow-brown coat striped with black, native to the forests of Asia but becoming increasingly rare.

Tiger in Swahili
“Simba marara” is the Swahili word for “tiger”, though less common compared to chui, which is commonly used.
So, the word tiger in Swahili is:
Simba marara
Simba marara pronunciation is: SIM-bah – Mah-RAH-rah
Chui mwenye milia:
Chui is the most common and widely understood Swahili word for “tiger.” It also means “leopard,” but the context usually clarifies which animal is being referred to.
Pronunciation: choo-ee
Maana ya chui katika Kiswahili/ Meaning of chui in Swahili
Chui ni mnyama anayekula nyama ambaye anafanana na paka mkubwa na mwenye kasi sana na hupatikana Asia na Afrika.
Example in sentence/ Mfano katika sentensi
I saw a tiger at the zoo. – Niliona simba marara kwenye zoo.
A Tiger is a very dangerous animals. – Chui mwenye milia ni mnyama hatari sana.