Resilience in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)

Resilience definition in English

Resilience is the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress.

Resilience in Swahili

Resilience in Swahili is translated as: uthabiti,  imara, unyumbukaji or mnepo.

Examples of resilience in Swahili sentences

1. Misuli yako ina nguvu na uthabiti zinavyostahili kuwa nazo? (Do your muscles have the strength and resilience that they should have?)

2. Uthabiti wake wa asili ulimsaidia kushinda shida. (Her natural resilience helped her overcome the crisis.)

3. Ameonyesha uthabiti mkubwa katika kukabiliana na msongo wa mawazo. (She has shown great resilience to stress.)

4. Nguvu zake kubwa ni azimio na uthabiti wake. (His greatest strengths are his determination and resilience.)

5. Watu walionyesha uthabiti wa ajabu wakati wa vita. (People showed remarkable resilience during the war.)

6. Alionyesha ujasiri mkubwa na uthabiti katika kupambana na kurudi nyuma kushinda mchezo. (He showed great courage and resilience in fighting back from a losing position to win the game.)

7. Ujasiri wao na uthabiti wao ulituhamasisha sote. (Their courage and resilience inspired us all.)

8. Hupunguza viwango vyetu vya uvumilivu na uthabiti. (It decreases our levels of tolerance and resilience.)

9. Ujasiri wake na uthabiti wake mbele ya shida. (His courage and resilience in the face of adversity.)

12. Wane ameonyesha uthabiti mkubwa katika nyakati ngumu. (Wane has shown great resilience in times of adversity.)

14. Lakini yeye ni ishara ya uthabiti wa ajabu ambao umezuia jamii hiyo kugawanyika. (But he is a symbol of the extraordinary resilience that has kept the society from disintegrating.)

15. Hivyo ilisisitiza sifa ya Raila inayokua ya uthabiti na mara nyingine tena kuonyesha ufanisi wake kama mwanasiasa anayepiga kampeni. (As such it underlined Raila’s growing reputation for resilience and once again demonstrated his effectiveness as a campaigning politician.)

16. Timu ilionyesha uthabiti ambao ulisisitiza kuwa si rahisi tena katika safari zao. (The team showed a resilience that emphasized they are no longer a soft touch on their travels.)

17. Uthabiti ni wa juu zaidi mwanzoni mwa mwaka mpya wa shule na hushuka hadi chini mnamo Februari. (Resilience is highest at the beginning of the new school year and hits rock bottom in February.)

18. Na uthabiti wao ulibadilisha sauti ya mradi wangu wote. (And their resilience changed the tone of my whole project.)

19. Sikuonekana kuwa na uthabiti wa kihisia siku hizi kwa sababu silali vizuri. (I seem to have no emotional resilience these days because I am not sleeping well.)

21. Ujuzi, uzoefu na uzuri wa asili na uthabiti vilimfaa. (Skill, experience and the natural beauty and resilience helped her.)

25. Kinyume chake, ilileta uthabiti wake wa ndani. (On the contrary, it brought to the fore her inner resilience.)

26. Jane anastahili tuzo ya uvumilivu pamoja na uthabiti katika kukabiliana na shida. (Jane deserves an award for endurance as well as resilience in the face of adversity.)

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