Consistency in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)

Consistency definition in English

1. The state or condition of always happening or behaving in the same way.

2. The way in which a substance holds together; thickness or viscosity.

Consistency/consistent in Swahili

Consistency in Swahili is translated depending on the context you’re referring to. Here are common translations of consistency in Swahili depending on the context:

1. The state or condition of always happening or behaving in the same way.

According to this context consistency in Swahili is translated as:

1. Uthabiti: (pronounced oo-tha-bee-TEE) The state of not being easily damaged or broken.

2. Uimara: (pronounced wee-MAH-ra) It means the state of being firm or strong.

3. Umadhubuti: (pronounced oo-mah-dhoo-BOO-tee) It implies a conscious effort to maintain consistency and a refusal to back down.

2. The way in which a substance holds together; thickness or viscosity.

According to this context consistency in Swahili is translated as:

1. Uwiano (pronounced oo-EE-ah-no) emphasizes the harmonious balance and proportion within something.

2. Ulingano (pronounced oo-lee-NGAH-no) emphasizes the similarity and equality between things.

Examples of consistency in Swahili in sentences

  • Ulingano wa hali ya hewa umefanya mavuno ya mahindi kuwa mazuri. (The consistency of the weather has led to good maize yields.)
  • Akaunti hizi hazionyeshi uwiano. (These accounts show no consistency.)
  • Anafunga mabao kwa uthabiti wa kushangaza. (He scores goals with remarkable consistency.)
  • Ameonyesha uthabiti wa kushangaza katika matokeo yake ya mtihani. (He has shown remarkable consistency in his exam results.)
  • Alipenda uwiano wa rangi safi. (She loved the creamy consistency of paint.)
  • Amecheza kwa uthabiti mkubwa msimu wote. (She has played with great consistency all season.)
  • Maoni yake hayana ulingano. (His views lack consistency.)
  • Tunahitaji kuhakikisha uimara wa huduma kwa wateja wetu. (We need to ensure the consistency of service to our customers.)
  • Changanya unga na kioevu hadi uwiano sahihi. (Mix flour and liquid to the right consistency.)
  • Ni muhimu kuonyesha uimara katika kazi yako. (It’s important to show some consistency in your work.)
  • Changanya unga hadi uwiano sahihi. (Knead the dough to the right consistency.)
  • Uthabiti wa utendaji unategemea mambo kadhaa. (Consistency of performance depends on several factors.)
  • Kuna ukaguzi wa kuhakikisha ulingano kati ya wahojiwa. (There are checks to ensure consistency between interviewers.)
  • Inapaswa kuwa na uwiano wa supu nene. (It should have the consistency of thick soup.)
  • Simenti inapaswa kuwa na uwiano wa mchanga wenye mvua. (The cement should have the consistency of wet sand.)
  • Matendo yao hayana ulingano: wanasema jambo moja na kufanya jingine. (Their actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another.)
  • Tabia yako haina ulingano. (Your behaviour lacks consistency.)
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