Category: Learn Swahili
Awesome in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
There are several ways to say awesome in Swahili, here are a few options: Ajabu,…
Patient in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
The translation of patient in Swahili depends on the context as outlined in this article.
Anxiety in Swahili (Swahili to English Translation)
Anxiety in Swahili is commonly translated as wasiwasi. Wasiwasi is pronounced as: wah-see-WAH-see.
Consistency in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
Consistency in Swahili is translated depending on the context you’re referring to. Here are common…
Introvert in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
Introvert in Swahili is mostly translated as mndani.
Patience in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
Here are two main ways of saying patience in Swahili: Subira and uvumilivu.
Obsess in Swahili (English to Swahili)
There are many ways of translating obsessed in Swahili: Hangaika Fadhaika
Ego in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
Ubinafsi is the most common translation of “ego” in Swahili. It refers to a selfish…