Kitumbua Chaingia M…
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Kitumbua Chaingia Mchanga – Sehemu ya Kwanza

Posts: 11
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Joined: 5 months ago

The end of high school often marks the beginning of new adventures, and for Mwanamvua, this was no exception. After finishing her final exams at Bidii Secondary School, she was eager to embark on a journey she had long anticipated. Walking towards the bus station, she couldn’t believe that four years had flown by so quickly. She was filled with a sense of accomplishment and excitement; not only had she completed her KCSE exams, a milestone that none of her five siblings had ever reached, but she was also looking forward to reuniting with her family and her boyfriend, Brayo.

Mwanamvua was the youngest in a family of six children, all of whom had dropped out of school before reaching the seventh grade. They were considered uneducated and aimless, often described as blunt knives that couldn’t even cut through soft bread. Her success in school was a monumental achievement for her family, and she was eager to see the pride in her parents’ eyes. However, her eagerness to see Brayo, her boyfriend from Sumbawanga, was just as strong, if not stronger.

Brayo was a charming and attractive young man who had captured Mwanamvua’s heart. His well-built physique and sweet words had won him many admirers among the young women of Sumbawanga. Though money was often scarce for him, Brayo knew how to use his charms to get what he wanted from these women. Mwanamvua had already experienced his sweet talk and was eager for more.

Despite the headmaster’s advice to go straight home after the exams, Mwanamvua had other plans. Upon reaching the bus station, she boarded a bus headed to Sumbawanga instead of her hometown of Morogoro. Her mind was filled with questions and uncertainties. Would she find Brayo with another woman? Would he welcome her warmly or harshly? Lost in these thoughts, she didn’t even hear the conductor asking for her fare until he shook her out of her daydreams.

By noon, the bus arrived in Sumbawanga. The passengers disembarked slowly, moving in a deliberate and unhurried manner. The air was filled with the aroma of various Swahili dishes, adding to the town’s unique charm. Mwanamvua headed straight to the public bathrooms, where she freshened up and changed out of her school uniform into a more flattering outfit. She spent a few minutes applying makeup, transforming herself into a striking young woman who turned heads as she walked down the street.

With newfound confidence, she made her way to Brayo’s place. She had visited him twice before and was familiar with the route. As she approached his door, she adjusted her skirt, put on a radiant smile, and knocked gently.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Brayo was in the bathroom, unaware of his unexpected visitor. He was not alone; a girl he had picked up from a bar the night before was lying on his bed. Brayo was known for his womanizing ways and often boasted about his escapades. Startled by the knock on the door, he wondered who it could be. Could it be Fatuma? Or Chausiku? His thoughts were interrupted by another knock. He quietly tiptoed to the door and peered through a small hole.

To his surprise, it was Mwanamvua. He pinched himself to ensure he wasn’t dreaming. What should he do now? The house he lived in was a ten-room rental with a single entrance that was close to the bathroom. His room was small, divided by a curtain to create a semblance of privacy. Thinking quickly, he lied to Sada, the girl on his bed, telling her that his mother was at the door and she wouldn’t be pleased to see her there. Sada hurriedly dressed and Brayo took her to his friend Mogaka’s room, where she would stay for the time being. Mogaka, a trusted friend, agreed to the arrangement without hesitation.

Brayo returned to the door, opened it with a smile, and warmly welcomed Mwanamvua inside. And thus, the first part of her journey concluded, with many more twists and turns to come.