How to say thank you in Kikuyu

About Kikuyu Language

Kikuyu or Gikuyu  is a Bantu language spoken by the Gĩkũyũ (Agĩkũyũ) of Kenya. The language is predominantly spoken in the region between Nyeri, Nairobi, and Nakuru, with the Kikuyu people identifying their lands based on the surrounding mountain ranges in Central Kenya, including Mount Kenya, referred to as Kĩrĩnyaga.

Kikuyu has four main mutually intelligible dialects, namely Kĩrĩnyaga, Mũrang’a, Nyeri, and Kiambu. The Kikuyu from Kĩrĩnyaga consist of two primary sub-dialects, namely the Ndia and Gichugu. These sub-dialects, known as Kĩndia and Gĩgĩcũgũ, have distinct characteristics.

Thank you in Kikuyu

Thank you in Kikuyu is translated as: Thengiũ / Nĩ wega / Nĩ ngaatho.

  • We thank you, Jehovah, for your loving Son. (Ní wega, Ngai tondũ wa Mũrũguo.)
  • I always want to say, ‘Thank you, Jehovah, for permitting me to be there.’ (Hĩndĩ ciothe njiguaga kuuga, (Ní wega Jehova tondũ nĩ wanjĩtĩkĩririe ngorũo ho.’)
  • When was the last time I wrote a thank-you note? (Nĩrĩ ndaandĩkĩire mũndũ ndũmĩrĩri ya kũmũcokeria ngatho?)
  • Thank you for your warm and generous spirit! (Nĩ ngatho nĩ ũndũ wa wendo na ũtana wanyu!)
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