Lentils definition in English
Lentil is a small annual legume of the pea family (Fabaceae) and its edible seed.

Lentils in Swahili
There are two main ways to say “lentil” in Swahili, depending on the region and dialect:
Dengu: This is the most common and widely understood term, mainly used in East Africa and Kenya.
It’s pronounced DEN-goo.
Adesi: This is common in swahili speaking communities and mostly in Tanzania.
It’s pronounced ah-deh-SEE
Maana ya dengu katika Kiswahili/ Meaning of Dengu in Swahili
Dengu ni punji ya jamii ya choroko yenye rangi ya manjano.
Kisawe cha dengu ni adesi
Maana ya adesi katika Kiswahili/ Meaning of adesi in Swahili
Adesi ni nafaka ya jamii ya kunde yenye rangi ya manjano.
Kisawe cha adesi ni dengu.
Example in sentence/ Mfano katika sentensi
We like to eat lentils with rice. – Tunapenda kula dengu na wali.
Lentils are a good source of adesi. – Dengu ni chanzo kizuri cha protini.