Tag: translation
Kovu meaning in Swahili (Swahili to English Translation)
Kovu in swahili means a mark left on human or animal skin, a mark of…
Cheers in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
Here you’ll get different ways of saying cheers in Swahili.
Colors in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
Here you will find common colors in Swahili language,
Mambo in Swahili (Swahili to English Translation)
Mambo in Swahili is used as greetings or salutations.
Please in Swahili (English to Swahili Translation)
When please is used as a polite request, in Swahili it is translated as tafadhali.
Kwanza meaning in Swahili (Swahili to English Translation)
The common translation of kwanza in English is first.